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Best Website Downloader

March 17, 2012

A relative recently asked me to put their website on a CD for them. I needed to get the image files, css, all the HTML, etc. Basically an exact offline copy that I would copy to DVD or surf from my hard drive.

After checking out a bunch of apps I finally came across Web2Disk. All I can say is “wow”! Not only was this tool simple to use, it did a perfect job downloading the website I needed. Web2Disk changed the links so that I could surf the pages offline. The whole site pretty much worked, save for a few streaming flash videos but no tool was able to get those.

The other programs I tested had wizards or weird software requirements that I didn’t want to deal with. Most made only partial copies of the website or messed up the look and feel. With Web2Disk I just entered the URL of the website and clicked the start button. It automatically downloaded every file that the website required (as far as I could tell) and fixed up the links so surfing offline was easy. Web2Disk even did the CSS which I thought was pretty amazing.

If you need a website downloaded, I highly recommend you buy this software. It’s well worth the price for the hassle it saves.

web site downloader

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